Ipv6 traffic
How do we look ahead, to see whats the next new area, and how does ipv6 effect any of our interest for users of services and security? well if a small percent use it,as so only does, it could be a open field! just now0 replies C Cabbage Most important to me is the IPV6 traffic or 124-bit management. I have made some attempts to work on how securing data or how areas or data hacking is not being secured at any rate. Yet not used by enough systems globally we're say not using enough instantiation of utility of new concepts and not do we have a area of new design specifics, how do we when we work to pay bills, yet we stuck in a lostless oblivion to the banks and debt collectors that say we owe them for our secured credit card funds and if our account gets hacked that's my problem not the banks. Yet do I own my banks APi key to check they security. Thought that's what I wanted to do when I was reading Edward Snowden stories. So it like if you don't get a chanc...